Die besten Online-Integrationskurse in Deutschland
- Deutschkurse A1-B1 (BAMF)
- DTZ g.a.s.t. Prüfungen
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Alle B1 Deutschkurse im Überblick.
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Häufig gestellte Fragen
Was zeichnet unsere Sprachschule aus?
Was ist, wenn mir der gebuchte Kurs nicht zusagt?
Ich kann mein Sprachniveau nicht einschätzen, was kann ich tun?
Wie lange brauche ich, um eine Niveaustufe abzuschließen?
Ein Beispiel: Für Deutsch A1 werden durchschnittlich 160 Unterrichtseinheiten à 45 Minuten benötigt. Je nach Vorkenntnissen kann die Vorbereitung kürzer oder länger dauern. Die genaue Dauer der einzelnen Kurse finden Sie in unserem Kursangebot.
Wie viele Teilnehmer sind in einem Kurs?
Wir legen sehr viel Wert auf eine individuelle Betreuung der Kursteilnehmer. Deshalb haben unsere Kurse maximal 15 Teilnehmer.
Was zeichnet unsere Dozenten aus?
Individuelle Beratung
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Wir nehmen uns gerne Zeit für Sie, um Sie ganz individuell zu beraten.
Große Auswahl an Kursen
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Intensive Prüfungsvorbereitung
Wir bereiten Sie inhaltlich optimal auf Ihre Prüfung vor. Haben Sie Fragen zur Prüfung?
Kontaktieren Sie uns telefonisch unter 089 - 208039 - 610 oder per eMail: anmeldung@bik-course.de.
Was unsere Teilnehmer sagen
„What an amazing language learning experience!!!
I recommend Bildungsinstitut Kavalchuk to anyone who is serious about learning the 'ins and outs' of the German language. Regardless of how much you think you know, I recommend starting from the beginning with A1.
I had previously taken German at University, and two other language schools in Munich, and I was amazed that I was still learning new things at this beginner level. The class size was small which made for a wonderful learning environment. Our instructor Stoja was energetic, knowledgeable and explained the German language in a way that made it come alive. While passing the B1 test is important, having confidence in your ability to listen and comprehend, read, write and express yourself in German is the real prize.
Worauf wartest du?“
„In 2018 I've had an intensive A1-B1 course with Stoja. Daily, 4 hours of German in German.
Complicated, but interesting!
We had an international group of 11 people from all over the World.
Stoja was incredibly charming! With her skill, knowledge, sense of humour and kindness she gathered us, various people of totally different cultures, together. We shared our knowledge and cultural experience with our group mates. We had thematic lessons and a picnic studying, park walks and tram rides across the city - every time easy, interesting and full of fun!
We had so many tasks (to be honest, I did my very best, but not always succeed), but even being in the class and diving into the subject, gave me so much new knowledge! We had really active classes, which trained all the necessary language skills. Such a fascination!
I‘m also thankful to Vadzim for his kind support and detailed answers to all the student's questions!
I‘ll always recall my course with warmth and gratitude!“
„My experience of learning German with Bildungsinstitut Kavalchuk was really great. The teaching was good, the classes were very interactive, so I was able to learn quickly. I never thought I would complete B1 so fast, but I did it!
Thank you BIK-courses!“
To call Bildungsinstitut Kavalchuk just a language school would be a great mistake. BIK is much more than just a school, it is an experience. The school caters to your every need to ensure the best learning experience. Moreover the teachers are not only helpful and experienced but they also try to engage you in the German language and culture.
The school itself has a prime location in the centre of Munich and is near to U-Bahn, S-Bahn and Tram. The books and learning material is very enriching and easy-to-follow. Also, the school building is bright and modern, the perfect place to learn german.
My experience was an absolute delight, not to mention the fabulous people that I met and conversed with. I felt like I was a part of a community, i exchanged ideas, expressed myself and fortunately all in German“
“What a beyond amazing school, teacher and German course! When I first arrived in Germany, I took other courses at other language schools and none of them compare to how wonderful the program at Bildungsinstitut Kavalchuk is! From day one, our teacher Stoja adjusted the class to our needs and she went above and beyond with her teaching methods. She makes learning come alive in her classroom and you’ll want to be present for each class so you don’t miss out on a thing!
I highly recommend the A-1/B-1 intensive class to anyone seeking not only to pass the B1 test, but for those who really want to master the German language and excel at speaking, reading, writing and listening.
„When I was selecting the schools at the Emigrant Counselling Centre I was given the names of two schools where the courses would start very soon: BIK and Volkshochschule.
The ticket machine did not work at the Volkshochschule next to me and they did not work with new students for the whole day. So I made an appointment with the BIK that same day.
What made me happy was that there was no bureaucracy in this school, from the nuances from BAMF to various letters and tests.
And the next day, I was sitting in a class where they were taking B1 courses. With BIK, I also passed the B1 exam.
The last part of our course was during the Lockdown period. But the most interesting thing was that the teacher didn't leave us; he organised the system of online training, gave us tasks, and made sure that we didn't lose knowledge and could successfully prepare for the test.
Of course, to pass this test, there is no miracle pill, you have to study, but the enthusiasm of the teacher and his desire to help inspired us to study and not to give up.
Thank you, Vadzim Kavalchuk, for getting to know the BIK. Now, I am continuing to study at BIK the B2 level.“
"Top Lehrer. Top Gruppe. Top Atmosphäre. Tolles bildungsinstitut. 5 Sterne ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Ο καλύτερος δάσκαλος. Το καλύτερο γκρουπ. Η καλύτερη ομάδα. Το καλύτερο σχολείο. 5 αστέρια ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Best Teacher. Best group. Best School in Munich. 5 Stars only ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"
«Integration courses in Munich is a great opportunity to get an intensive or super-intensive German course at a minimum price. My choice was BIK and I didn’t regret a minute. Here are few reasons why:
1. We had an amazing group: doctors, engineers, lawyers, scientists from all over the world. The coolest and cleverest team highly motivated to master German language ASAP.
2. Vadim is a truly good teacher with a classy sense of humour.
3. Plenty of homework. Yes, I truly believe it to be a big plus, because dealing with a huge amount of home task daily, many things come automatically and stay in your head forever.
4. А rather small group.
5. An excellent school book: effective lesson structure, good vocabulary, the texts and audios are full of humour.
6. As there goes an exam in the end, both the teacher and the students have clear KPIs and aim to pass it with highest points. All the other courses that I had before and after BIK-courses, look like aimless studying, which you can attend forever, having learnt nothing with no result.»
"Moving to another country - is like writing a new book. But you can't start writing until you master a new language. Until you dive into it, understand it and love it - LOVE it, precisely.
I'm happy that I was taught to love the language. My teacher loved Germany, lived its life and respected her country with all her heart. She got us acquainted not only with the grammar and rules, but made us dive into the true German life. She sparkled my interest to German language.
If you are not interested in your studying, you have no love to the language and you have no goal - your new life book will still stay empty.
Luckily I had this all and I'm grateful!
Thanks to Stoja, Vadim and the school I have my first lines written in my book. And I have them written in German!"
"Ich will ein herzliches Dankeschön übermitteln. Schöne Schule! Tolle Atmosphäre! Vielen Dank für alles!"